Sunday, March 16, 2008

Social Bookmarking websites

Well I have been looking around on both sites, citeulike and and am a little confused. It just seems overwhelming for me too look at all the different sites people have posted. I gather that citeulike is a website that is for more academic tags and links and the other site you can tag whatever you want. I understand that these sites provide ways to access information on the same topic easily, which would be an advantage, but that is about all I get. I don't understand how this is any better than using the favorites button when you are at a website you like, it seems like that- but more complicated. It all just seems confusing...


T said...

I think one advantage to social bookmarking is to be able to access your articles from any computer. You don't just have to be on your own computer with your favorites folder. I have had some trouble posting articles.

Meredith said...

yes that is one thing i got from the readings...

Maggie S said...

I am a little confused with the website too, Mer. I think it is neat that anyone can post to this website but I feel that it could be done in a different way. Like you seems confusing.